Lakewood, California This just in from The Federal Housing Administration Federal Housing Administration is going to permit its lenders to allow homeowners to use the $8,000 tax credit as a down-payment. This is a huge step in the right direction!!! Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department
Home Seller Assist Program, so what is this program all about? Do you know? Frequently Asked Questions What is Home Seller Assist? Home Seller Assist is a program, which markets a seller financing option to homeowners. It includes two websites and training. You also are able to bring other peop
Agents will commonly complain that: 1. Commissions get discounted by the lenders;2. That they need an offer to send to the banks and do not have one;3. That when they send the package without an offer and the bank doesn't want it;4. That when they find a buyer, the short sale process takes too lo
I'm getting the feeling that this is about as much as can be done to stabilize our housing/credit markets. If taking over FNMA/FHLMC isn't enough to stabilize things, we're in for some really rough sailing.Mortgage rates have reacted very favorably to the news so if you've got borrowers waiting
I heard Barry Habib from Mortgage Market Guide speak about the new provisions for The HR 3221 Bill, and how it will effect your business. Realtors, right now is the best time to get your borrowers off the fence, because they might not be able to buy a home, here in the next couple of months. I wa
We need all mortgage professionals to help out with this. TAKE ACTION NOW Downpayment Assistance Programs in Danger of Elimination! The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has re-issued a proposed rule that would eliminate all private downpayment assistance programs. As you know,
Did you choose your niche? If you haven't, save this lesson and come back to it when you're ready. (Or just begin today with a niche you're considering. This exercise might help you decide if it's the right one for you.) Today you begin to become an absolute expert in that niche. It
I was sitting here speaking to someone who said" Bernie how do you keep track of all your leads you get"?? I was a bit puzzled because apparently many real estate agents, and loan officers don't follow up with potential clients. I asked her why do you not follow up with people, she said "laziness
Good Morning Folks...Happy Monday Lehman Brothers released a report saying that "Although there has been a significant improvement in markets since the turmoil of March, conditions are still "far from normal." The Fed's actions to date have resulted in significantly lower borrowing costs for non-
I have been writing about this on other social networking sites. It's payback time - The Wall Street Journal is reporting that mortgage lenders are now facing the music, as loose lending practices are coming back to them in the form of buy-backs. These loan disputes, according to Journal reports,