ATTENTION ALL SELLERS AND AGENTS!! Dont forget about those out of sight places. The pictures here are a great reminder to us all. And what a great inspector to take the time to move some things to get at the problem!!! The buyer certainly got their money's worth with this inspection.Inspectio...
ATTENTION ALL SELLERS AND AGENTS!! Dont forget about those out of sight places. The pictures here are a great reminder to us all. And what a great inspector to take the time to move some things to get at the problem!!! The buyer certainly got their money's worth with this inspection.Inspectio...
ATTENTION AGENTS IN OUR 4 STATE AREA!!! Anyone with an Oklahoma license needs to check on your sites to make sure you are in compliance. Even if you don't have an Oklahoma license, you should make sure the information is available for the states where you are licensed. As Judi stated, having th...
Here is another great list provided by Tai. Great list to give sellers. So many good tips all in one place!!! 50 Inexpensive Tips to Dramatically Increase the Value of Your Properties By Tai A. DeSa, Significa Corporation Professional landlords and investors involved in property flipping shoul...
Attention all Landlords Be sure to read all these great tips on dealing with tenants. I am impressed with the list. 33 Tips to Attract the Best Tenants and Get Them to Pay You More By Tai A. DeSa, Significa Corporation Good tenants come to you not by accident, but by design. There are good te...
Great points here for all buyers to think about. It used to be that internet savvy buyers would spend a few weeks looking and learning, and then once they targeted their desired area/price/style, they’d view a handful of homes, maybe 3-5, submit an offer, get into escrow and actually close es...
What is your most memorable sale/closing?? I am sure there is one that stands out in your mind for one reason or another!! The one I remember most happened several years after I became an agent. I was working with a young couple who were trying to buy their first home. Both were employed and h...
A first class horse farm located in Limberlost, Racine Missouri, in southwest Missouri just 8 minutes south of Joplin, Missouri, is a great location for the gentleman rancher. This horse farm of 81 acres has all the amenities needed for your horses yet is close to hospitals, shopping and major i...
I thought this was a very helpful blog. Thanks for all the good help Bob.Let me ask you a question. Do you blog your listings? If you are new to Active Rain, you have noticed by now that listings flow through the blog roll on a pretty regular basis. Ever wonder why? Ever click on somebody's ...
Spring is coming!!! Get ready for open house! There has always been an ongoing discussion among realtors about the good of doing open houses, at least here in southwest Missouri. The first thing to do in preparing for an open house is decide the big WHY!!! The first and most obvious reason is ...