Bedroom adjustments - is 4 Bedroom ALWAYS worth more? by Dave TowneSEE MY COMMENT below Dave Towne's comment. For the past 30 days, I've certainly been reconsidering adjustments for 3 vs 4 bedroom homes and have been less likely to apply an adjustment. It's all situational based on that immediate...
QUESTION: Would You As A Baton Rouge area Home Buyer Expect To Pay LESS For A 3 Bedroom vs 4 Bedroom IF Both Homes Were 2,500sf Living Area, Same Size in the same Subdivision?IF SO, HOW MUCH LESS? Please leave your comment below . Thank you for your time and help!Why am I asking?I'm appraising a ...
I recently connected online with Ken Taylor of 901-337-5468 and wanted to make an online introduction. Here's a little about his North Mississippi house measurement services below. Price It Right Home Measuring Service by Appraiser Ken Taylor Covers in Olive Branch Mississipp...
Originally published on as Post-Listing Appraisals For OverPriced Baton Rouge Homes Not SellingPost-Listing Appraisals. Between mid April 2016 to mid May 2016, I've been hired to perform more Post Listing Appraisals than Pre-Listing Appraisals. Below is just a couple ...
Bill Cobb, Baton Rouge's Home Appraiser 225-293-1500, attended the annual "Trends In Real Estate Seminar" hosted by CID (Commercial Investment Division of the Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORS®) at L’Auberge Hotel.The major theme heard throughout seminar: Rough Seas Are Ahead - Speaking...
Robert A. Wolf, MAI - My Memories Of A Legend In Central Louisiana Real Estate...the Warren Buffet of CENLA! From 1992 to 3/1994, I had the privilege to work for "Mr. Wolf" as an Appraiser for the closing of England Air Force Base in Alexandria Louisiana. While short in size, everyone in Town cal...
Home Loan Borrower Duped By Online Valuation Tool in Baton Rouge! $326,000...Misled by another "Online Value" lookup!Saturday morning I'm visiting a property for a Reverse Mortgage loan, 1 non-resticted acre (not in subdivision), 20 year old 1700sf built of average quality, low quality flooring, ...
Green Trails At Shenandoah Subdivision Baton Rouge Home Sales 2013 to 2016 YTD Zip Code 70817 by Bill Cobb Appraiser 225-293-1500To answer a question about if a new home is worth the asking price in Green Trails, I searched from 1600sf to 2200sf, there's been 3 sales and 3 current listings. Three...
Pre Contract Price Appraisals in Baton Rouge, Pre-Listing Appraisals for Greater Baton Rouge 225-293-1500Originally published here: Pre-Contract Price Home Appraisals for Greater Baton Rouge HELPING BATON ROUGEONS UNDERSTAND HOW THE BATON ROUGE HOUSING MARKET WORKS By Bill Cobb, Greater Baton Ro...
Originally published here on Greater Baton Rouge Home Sales January 2016 Update by Bill Cobb AppraiserIt used to be in Baton Rouge Real Estate January and February were slower months for home sales. However, January 2016 was a very busy start to our new year. A coupl...