Barry Owen's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Pareto Realty - TN #251071
Tips and commentary For Home Buyers & Sellers and REALTORS with primary focus on LIVE - Work - Play - Life Rhythm - Life Performance Oriented thinking for regular folks



Those 1%ers are freaks of Nature! They’re just like us other humans but have exceptional timing and LUCK! Yeah! That’s it! They’re not smarter or better or harder working . . . Their success happens because of their uncanny ability to magically be in all the right places with all the right people...
Doing the same thing and expecting different results creates perfect conditions for a classic case of insanity. This is the time of year when many of us are reviewing our performance in 2018. This time last year, what were your goals for 2018? How did you arrive at those goals? Were those goals w...
As much as we all would like to think that we know it all . . . You know – We’re the quintessential professionals who have a staid commitment to staying abreast of all of the quirks and trends of our industry. We attend myriad classes and seminars and webinars and read books and network with our ...

Barry Owen

local_phone(615) 502-2080
smartphone(615) 568-2123
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Stream of consciousness commentary on the real estate industry from the perspective of a Principal Real Estate Broker and Founder of Pareto REalty, LLC in Middlle Tennessee - Also a Career Development Coach with vast Organizational Development/Transformation training and experience - in the industry since 1993