Barry Owen's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Pareto Realty - TN #251071
Tips and commentary For Home Buyers & Sellers and REALTORS with primary focus on LIVE - Work - Play - Life Rhythm - Life Performance Oriented thinking for regular folks



So often, our most destructive opponent is ourself. Yep! Self-sabotage reigns supreme when we let it roam unrestrained. Don’t you hate when you do something “STUPID” after which you say to self: “I know better!”? We can all imagine 1,000 reasons NOT to do something . . . We can find plenty to wor...
Back in the day . . . Seafarers ALWAYS Charted their intended course of travel before leaving port. Nowadays, the equipment is far more sophisticated, yet the savvy most travelers still chart their courses before leaving port. Whether it be by Car, Boat/Ship, Plane, Train, Bicycle, Hitch-hiking, ...
When a wild animal gets caught in a trap . . . he’ll panic and struggle so vigorously that the cause of death is exhaustion . . . or he’ll leave a body part in the trap and subsequently bleed to death. Morbid but true. In a soccer match, the easiest way to get the ball from an opponent is to appl...
Something a little different today! Every so often, we all could use a taste of validation and encouragement . . . so I thought I’d share 2 of my favorites. “The engineer Buckminster Fuller is often cited for his use of trim tabs as a metaphor for leadership and personal empowerment. In the Febru...
Can there be too many choices? A long-standing comment about Nashville is that there’s a church on darn near every corner. Nowadays: “There’s a new BANK or Pharmacy or Restaurant sprouting out of the ground every day (It seems).” How do all of these businesses survive? Where do they get their cus...
The short answer? They DON’T! Trends show us not much more than the natural ebb and flow of Market Dynamics. These flows “trend” up or down and give the “experts” fodder for proselytizing about the significance of the cycles . . . and their opinion of the health of the market. Yes! The ONLY semi-...
Uh-Oh! Starbucks’ good intentions have been derailed by inappropriate action. Starbucks will stop writing ‘Race Together’ on your cups now The most intriguing things I’ve heard about this PR fiasco is their dismissal of the whole thing simply by quipping “let me assure you that we didn’t expect u...
Let's talk about FOOD! In the never ending quest to feed something on the order of 7.4 BILLION people on planet earth, the "Food Producers" are (and have been for years) searching for more efficient, higher yield, less expensive ways of delivering "enough" food to every one of those people every ...
It’s easy to get yourself so wound up that EVERYTHING is a BIG deal! That doesn’t leave much (if any) room for breathing. How often are you really “ALL IN”? Are ALL the eggs actually in a single basket? What’s the WORST that could happen? Aw Come ON! The sky is NOT falling and we’re not all about...
The sudden BUMP on the right side of my car was startling . . . I was minding my own business driving down Music Square East. The day was a BEAUTIFUL, sunny day! I was fully alert (Stopped texting while driving several months ago). I was driving EXACTLY the speed limit, and traffic was light. My ...

Barry Owen

local_phone(615) 502-2080
smartphone(615) 568-2123
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Stream of consciousness commentary on the real estate industry from the perspective of a Principal Real Estate Broker and Founder of Pareto REalty, LLC in Middlle Tennessee - Also a Career Development Coach with vast Organizational Development/Transformation training and experience - in the industry since 1993