SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN Conventional wisdom @ the macro-Economic Cycle says that recession follows a significant contraction of the market. During a recession, the game players are mostly excited about “Timing the Market” meaning that they want to BUY BUY BUY when the market is at its
SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN Good Rainy Monday Morning to ya! Seems we all wake up to a whole new set of Local and National economic news every day. Occasionally, it seems things are moving forward . . . a tone of optimism creeps in . . . and then WHAMMO – Another “Expert” squashes the hope
SEPTEMBER 24, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN Have you gotten a call or 2 recently from a mortgage company with the GOOD NEWS that Mortgage Interest are at an ALL TIME LOW and that you really should refinance your mortgage NOW to take advantage of these LOW RATES? There’s a reason they are calling. Mortgage
SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN What’s the worst thing that could happen if you pull the trigger and start something new? Your ideas might be: REJECTED! Like you invited a bunch of people to a party and no-one show up. RIDICULED! The critics don’t like your ideas and/or you writing style, and
SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) Issues and opportunities whirl and swirl around us as we practice our art of living in a world in which the only constant is change. Our environment transforms with paralyzing complexity. We are conflicted! How do we prioritize our usefuln
Pareto Realty Newsletter – September 2011 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) Pareto Realty Newsletter – September 2011
Good morning! Will this be a week of making decisions or deferring decision making? :-) SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) From Wiki: “Analysis Paralysis - over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation, so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) In the real estate industry, we pay very close attention to the statistics. I’m certain that virtually everyone else out in there in every other industry does the same (whether they want to admit it or not). Most folks profess a dislike for
Why Friday Morning Masterminds? SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) A few things I know are timeless . . . Great things happen when people gather in a safe place and communicate When bad things happen, people naturally gather and “Circle the Wagons” until the storm passes. On
Monday Morning Coffee – The Bluff . . . SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 BY BARRY OWEN LEAVE A COMMENT (EDIT) Good Morning! I hope your week is off to a good start. Have you ever watched the Poker championships on TV? I don’t make a habit of watching them mostly because I’m not a poker player and don’t underst