Barry Owen's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Pareto Realty - TN #251071
Tips and commentary For Home Buyers & Sellers and REALTORS with primary focus on LIVE - Work - Play - Life Rhythm - Life Performance Oriented thinking for regular folks



Have you ever watched water boil? If you haven't, here's the recipe: Grab a pot and fill it to @ an inch below the top with COLD water. Put it on your stove on HIGH HEAT or over your campfire - NO lid. Watch it carefully. The old saying is that a watched pot never boils, so don't watch the pot . ...
Wanna see something funny? Well! I'm sure some folks won't find this amusing, but I chuckled. This article has been brought to my attention by one of our agents who had a client contact her concerned about the health of our market.   Shame on Forbes for publishing this article using a flawed "Met...
Our daughter Jessica was sick with strep for a few days. She was ecstatic to be able to miss 2  days of school while she mended (Much to the parental unit's chagrin). BUT . . . When she returned to school, she found herself facing a veritable MOUNTAIN of work to catch up. She FREAKED! "HOW CAN I ...
Without the downs in life, would we have the proper perspective to appreciate the ups? More to the point . . . Without the ups, life would be blah . . . not all downs - just blah! Life is dynamic. Ebb & Flow Yin & Yang Frick & Frack Good, bad, & ugly Win - lose - tie IN & OUT We live in a world o...
What if the whole CONFERENCE were nothing BUT opportunities to network and mastermind with other professionals of like mindset? Without key-note speakers . . . An environment in which you have a day Full of opportunity for you to lead and/or participate ONLY in sessions relating to issues that al...
You meet a Buyer prospect at an Open House, and you want to keep in touch over time, so you offer to email him listings that meet his parameters in an effort to get his contact information. It works . . . He gives you his name and email address and general preferences. You run home and sign him u...
Whether you're a newly licensed agent or a seasoned veteran looking to re-launch your business, these fundamentals are the key. Create and Build a database . . . Feed it EVERY day . . . Communicate with everyone in it in a systematic way . . . Service any leads that come . . . Your database IS yo...
Inviting you to . . . Click this link to Seth Godin's Blog and read the first 2 posts . . . The first is nice plug for specialization Craftsmanship "Find a calling and then deliver." Generalists are gonna find themselves tied to mile-long to-do lists and mental distress. Keep all of this in prop...
I know it's a bit early in 2010 to make any substantial claims as to how things are going to go this year in the Real Estate Sales department. Yet I still find myself answering the question: "How's business this year?" more than ever. All I can think to do is to develop a script to answer the que...
I got a GREAT gift from Deb this year at Christmas. This is something that I REALLY "need" . . . She wrapped it in an over-sized box so I wouldn't guess what it is until I opened it. OMG! A Brand Spankin' Shiny New bright blue Acer Netbook. Light as a feather and fast as lightning and has interne...

Barry Owen

local_phone(615) 502-2080
smartphone(615) 568-2123
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Stream of consciousness commentary on the real estate industry from the perspective of a Principal Real Estate Broker and Founder of Pareto REalty, LLC in Middlle Tennessee - Also a Career Development Coach with vast Organizational Development/Transformation training and experience - in the industry since 1993