We've flurries of crashed deals here in Middle Tennessee. A fairly high percentage of these deals and refinances are not making it to the closing table are failing because of appraisal issues. It's a pesky little thing . . . VERY irritating to get SO close to the closing table only have "some Jer
Most all humans in this relatively consumptive world are very interested in feeling like they "got a deal". After all, how or why else would shoppers frenzy to the extent that leads to "crowd destruction" and trampling? We're all looking for a bargain. We are all very well trained to want what we
The past 2 days, I have had the distinct honor of facilitating what I believe will prove to be an event of Historic Proportions . . . This event was not of the scale of a Presidential Election . . . or even a High School Class President . . . This was an assemblage of the good folks who have agre
Don't you love it when you meet a Buyer at an Open House who seems to be REALLY interested? Oh boy! Even better . . . the Buyer says he is not working with an agent . . . And he calls 2 days later and says he's ready to make an offer and would like to meet. The appointment is set. You do all the
I have a new-found interest in genealogy. Not all genealogy . . . For now, it's the genealogy of my Father's family. turns we've got some direct ancestors who did some pretty amazing things in their lives . . . Like Joseph Harrison who invented a steam engine that literally revolutionized the rai
If you chose to click on the title to read this post, you've already won half the battle - I think! How many hours are there in a day? 24 - Right? and how many of those 24 hours are you awake? Let's assume that you get 8 hours of sleep at night - so that leaves 16. Of those 16, I'm hoping that yo
Just thought I'd post the below letter to share thoughts I wrote this morning to send out to my Sphere of Influence . . . If you like any of it, feel free to steal it and use it :-) Best, b As I write this letter (a week past my “target date” to release the Market Up-date for December Real Esta
About a week ago, the Tennessee Association of REALTORS made available the revised forms for 2009. I knew the new forms were on the way because there had been plenty of advance notice. I applaud TAR for getting this done in such a timely manner . . . and for making these forms so readily availabl
So, do you just love this business SOOOOO much that you'll work with just about anybody who will agree to work with you? Why do you do this? Is it the excitement of the possibility that it'll turn into jingle in your pocket one day? Is it because you "can use the practice"? Because you love peopl
The Quintessential Estate overlooking the majestic Potomac River is not for sale. BUT . . . You CAN tour it! And my family did on Sunday. We took advantage of the long week end and journeyed from Nashville to Potomac, MD to visit Grandpa and GranE . . . and they treated us to a tour of George Was