Buyer's are feeding off the glut of properties on the market. For those who restrained themselves during the real estate feeding frenzy that drove home prices to new caloric highs are now feasting on the skinny seller who is suffering from stretch marks left by his quickly deflating bargaining po
Focus On Fall to get back into the real estate rhythm by attending the Scottsdale Realtor Home Tour put on by Independence Realty Professionals. All agents and their guests, residents, and interested parties are invited to participate, Wednesday, September 12th, to view Scottsdale's finest showca
ATTENTION fellow real estate agents of Arizona! If you have money to burn, there is a worthless marketing campaign out there just for you. It might seem like a small investment to satisfy your sellers with absolutely no return. I'm refering to the endless array of email flyers about numerous list
That's right! Green as in money, green as in golf courses and green as in energy efficient alternatives for desert living! The state of Arizona is going green! Those alternatives are right under our feet. With the cost of energy rising as fast as heat off the desert floor, it only makes sense (ce
"Nice job guys!" as quoted by in their explanation of what builders, mortgage, and the resale real estate industries have done to flatten the real estate market reputation in the media. They have deflated its value in the economy. It just isn't a quick 'n easy fix 'n flip market as it w
With summer upon us here in Arizona, like most outdoor enthusiasts, I turn indoors to reshift my priorities into an alternative source of aspiration. I have to admit, I love real estate! I was disappointed this past Sunday when I read the article in the Arizona Republic proclaiming that real esta