It's that sweet time of year when school is coming to an end and everyone has Summer on their minds! From wrapping up the school year with fun events and plenty of tests to planning ahead to vacations and lazy days at the pool. There is just something about this time of year that gets kids and ad...
Use of Sisal vs Jute as in Furnished Rental PropertiesWhen it comes to furnishing an apartment or home for rental, there is an age-old question of how best to keep cost low on carpet. If you consider cost per square inch, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by considering sisal vs jute in lieu of ta...
If you’re getting ready to replace the flooring in your home, you’ve probably come across tile that looks like wood. I had my heart set on hardwood flooring when we started researching redoing our flooring. It’s classic, beautiful, and adds value to your home. The problem was, we have kids and pe...
It's sometimes difficult to know whether or not you're getting the best deal online. This is particularly true when trying to find the best place to buy area rugs online. We have all been in those situations where a need must be filled and we don't have the luxury of dropping in at a local home d...
Video games are quite possibly bigger now than they ever have been. It seems like these days, when kids aren't actively engaged in a video game, they seem to love watching OTHER kids play them. It's true, there is an entire genre on youtube completely made-up of people screencasting themselves pl...
Summer Reading Proves to Be VitalSo many teachers send home "summer packets" and expect that kids will complete them or parents will enforce them. This isn't always the case but it's not because parents don't care. I have found, as a parent myself, that it's because most of the time, parents have...
Raising positive children in a world saturated with bullying probably sounds a whole lot harder than it used to, right? These days, not only do we constantly have to wonder about social media and television shows, but our kids are being inundated with information from their peers at school as wel...
If you have recently purchased a new house, or are just hoping to update your current one - the floors are often one of the main considerations.The unfortunate thing is, flooring is also one of the pricier updates you can make to your home, so it's important that you plan for it. Can you afford i...
 As the mother of an elementary-aged kiddo, I know how often we find ourselves scrambling to get things for school projects, events, or parties. If you guys are anything like me, this tends to end up with grabbing the easiest thing from the shelf at the store.  I decided that this year, I wanted ...
When it comes to motherhood, the list of things we are supposed to "just know" seems neverending! It is as if we are just meant to be born with the ability to perfectly manage an entire household of children while keeping everything tidy and managing everyone's hectic schedules.... all while reme...

Audrey Austin

Organization and Cleaning Expert
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