St.Cloud Homes Florida Real Estate Insights

Real Estate Broker/Owner - St.Cloud Homes
Allison Stewart, Florida Real Estate Broker Short Sale, Foreclosure Certified. Kissimmee Saint Cloud Homes, Florida Relocation, Florida Investor Opportunites, First time home buyers, Investment Properties Allison Stewart, RE Broker is an experienced trusted Area Expert.
Five Reasons why Florida Home Owners Insurance is so expensive.  Two major things happened in 2004-2005 in Florida: the Real Estate Market in Florida peeked and so did the hurricane season.  As a result of the major hurricanes back in 2004-2005 Florida home owners insurance premiums have skyrocke...
Non-Distress Home Sales Are Making A Come-Back in St. Cloud, Florida. You read that right. Non-Distress Home Sales. Not short-sales, not foreclosures, regular sales between a real seller and real buyer. The way Real Estate used to be. Buyers by the hand full who are fed-up and frustrated that ban...
THERE IS NOTHING SCARY ABOUT BUYING A HOME IN ST CLOUD FLORIDA- The process of buying a home in St. Cloud Florida is not as "scary" as it may seem.  Really the process is actually very simple.  If you or someone you know is thinking about buying a home in St Cloud Florida the most important thing...
Non-Distress Home Sales Are Making A Come-Back in St. Cloud, Florida. You read that right. Non-Distress Sales. Not short-sales, not foreclosures, regular sales between a real seller and real buyer. The way Real Estate used to be. Buyers by the hand full who are fed-up and frustrated that banks ju...
Yep, You heard that right! For the fifth consecutive month existing home sales across the country are up. St Cloud Florida homes sales are showing impressive gains. The median sales price of existing Homes in St Cloud Florida rose to $185,299, and supply of existing homes is at 6.8 months. Factor...
Tips for St.Cloud Home  Buyers Florida Real Estate us heating up along with our temperatures. To make your St Cloud Florida Home Buying Experience easier there are a few thing you need to know before you go:1) Realtor "Relationships". There are two sides to every Real Estate Transaction. The Buye...
Selling Your Kissimmee Area Home- Insider tips from a local Real Estate BrokerIs your Realtor® inflating your ego by telling you what you want to hear, or what you need to know? Too often in order to obtain a listing Real Estate Professionals despite what the market analysis reveals, will take an...
Examining the St Cloud Florida Rental Market Why developments don't work as good investments. While planned developments appeal to the average consumer, they can be money pits in disguise. The park-like settings, and Norman Rockwell appeal comes with a hefty price tag.  Let's take a page out of ...
The Census Data indicates that 65% of American own their own homes. Down from previous years, is the result of the mortgage meltdown crisis, high unemployment, under-employment and a lackluster job market, and homes still underwater, combined with the foreclosure fallout and recent escalation of ...
12 Thrifty Things to do on a tight budget in St. Cloud Florida.  The drag on the economy has certainly put a pinch on most people. But in St. Cloud Florida there are plenty of thrift ways to have fun for free. 1) Enjoy a stroll along beautiful Lake Shore Drive abutting Lake Toho.  The magnificent...

Allison Stewart

St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904
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