Has anyone had the pleasure of reading this book? It is the most motivational book I've read giving me the kick in the pants I needed for my business. I recommend everyone reads it. Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret
I'm really don't understand what's going on. There has been a lot of fraud going on. I think it's mainly because the market is slow (at least in my market) and people are getting really desperate. How could anyone risk there license and freedom for that matter. It's not worth it. Aren't we suppos...
Any HomeOwners in NJ want to Stop Higher Home Sales Taxes in NJ? Follow the link to and on the left hand side of the screen you will see a sign-up form to actually complete the petition to let your voice be heard by state officials. On this website you can also calcuate ...
We had our bi-weekly sales meeting today in my office and the manager wanted to emphaize how your attitude can affect your life, overall.  And I just wanted to share this because there's plenty of time I have had negative attitude and I need to practice on turning that negative into a positive.Th...

Amanda M. Rodriguez

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