Steve Shapiro's (arch_1977) Blog

Education & Training - Arch Tax Resolution
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and nationwide who have issues with unfiled tax returns and unpaid Federal and State taxes.As continuing news stories about IRS issues pertaining to all of the tax returns not processed, this week the number is 17 million...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis Area, the state of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS issues with unfiled tax returns and unpaid Federal and State Taxes.It's been quite a while that I have posted however there is a good reason for that. The onslaught of letters that are titled t...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS I and State issues who have unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax obligations.This tax season I have had an unusually large amount of inquiries from people who are self filers. The type of qu...
I represent taxpayers in the greater Saint Louis area as well through out the State of MIssouri who have unfiled tax returns and unresolved tax issues. The latest message that was broadcasted over social media was please respond to our notices before we begin enforcement action. This was a remind...
I represent taxpayers in the greater Saint Louis area as well through out the state of Missouri who have unfiled tax returns and unreolved tax issues. Since Covis19 the IRS has had a very low profile regarding enforcment of deliquent taxes being paid as well as getting people to start filing ther...
I represent tax payers in the greater Saint Louis area and the state of Missouri who have issues with unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax liabilites. Much has been made of the new adminstrations plans to implement changes for a number of projects. Plans to raise taxes for corporations and hig...
I represent tax payers in the greater Saint Louis area and the state of Missouri who have issues with unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax liabilites.For baseball fans across the country opening day is around the corner and spring is in the air. We are also in the middle of tax filing season a...
I represent tax payers in the greater Saint Louis area and the state of Missouri who have issues with unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax liabilites. Now tax season is getting into full swing with the IRS now accepting efiling. You know you need to file but are fearful what the IRS will do on...
I represent tax payers in the Greater Saint Louis area and the State of Missouri that have outstanding tax issues whether they are unfiled returns, back taxes and wage garnishments.Indications from IRS personel are that due to realignment within the IRS there is going to be special emphazise in p...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area and the state of Missouri who have issues with unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax liablities.So what is the secret to getting a successful outcome when you submit an offer to the goverment to accept less than what is owed?There is a provis...

Steve Shapiro

Tax Professional helping taxpayers
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