I've read alot lately about people pointing fingers at one another and deflecting the blame for the mortgage melt-down away from their own personal vocation. The fact is that we are all to blame and that it will take all of us to get out of it too. So who is to blame? Here's your answer... Lend...
The answer is, just one as I'm sure many of you already know... I know because I've seen a number of deals go sideways at the signing table. How? The mortgage broker insisted on "sitting in" during the presentation of loan documents by the Notary Signing Agent. Only twice in my personal experi...
Playing "office" when I was a kid was always my favorite pastime. When my friends were excited about sports equipment, toys and games, I was always happiest with a fresh batch of office supplies. I liked forms and checklists, pens and binder clips. I was always a CEO or a President and I always h...
Thank you Americans and Veterans for providing the blanket of freedom that we all enjoy!! This Holiday, spend time with those you love, doing things that are truly American...Barbecue, watch the game, picnic and play... ...And just once, tip your hat to active duty military, Mom and Dad, the peop...
Just returned to was a rough 16 days... We spent our anniversary on the "big" Island at Waikoloa and visited the Volcano (Kiluea) though the weather was overcast for our sightseeing there... We met our kids on Lanai for four full days of wedding festivities [for our niece]...tried to co...
My boggle is this: On several occasions, I've been invited to join local Marketing groups as a permanent member (Usually a division of a nationwide networking group) and have already participated as a guest as well. Each group wanted me to join (not particularly an inexpensive proposition wi...
I was inspired by Maria Mastrolonardo's post on her many job fuctions as a realtor... Sometimes I'm all business... Other times, I'm a little more casual... I celebrate the 4th of July for the joy of being self-employed... I'm drawn to thing...
You work hard for your money... ...make a plan using your best ideas... plant the seed and hope to watch your money grow... ...then, your best laid plans, like the leaves in the fall, just blow away... Some people foolishly believe somehow, that someone shoul...
Where do you all get these wonderful photos and cartoons for your posts? I have a few standard places that I get mine but so much is copywrited (I'm assuming that is why my art keeps disappearing?) I'd like to jazz up my posts...any suggestions? I hope I get the phonebook here!! Thanks! "A Qui...
Let me start by telling you I am 46 years old. My older sister (13 years my senior) is graduating college tomorrow with a degree in Psychology. Having endured a life filled with challenge and struggle and with three marriages worth of experience, and all that that implies, she returned to schoo...