Best laid plans have forced me to pause (on a rare and rainy day here in paradise) while awaiting document completion at a local escrow office. I'm taking a moment to reflect upon 2010 as a year which has assisted my business by "stopping the bleeding". While numbers do not/have not set the wor...
It's true. Rates are down and lenders have begun to loosen their grip on funding both purchase and refinanced loans. November 2010 found my Notary Signing business strong and steady just before the holidays. I'm thankful [and stated so on Thanksgiving Day] that the wheels on the Silver bullet...
Well, in '09 I was indeed facing alot!! ...Another birthday, another year older...dear God here comes another one! ...An upcoming 30 year reunion...and all that THAT implied...but, it was a great party! ...A teenage daughter and her entry into high-school life...(boys were to be warned-I'd bough...
Anyone who participates on social media of any kind is engaged in promotion. If you say you are not, I would be hard pressed to believe you. Whether it is your opinion, your belief, your religion, your business or service or anything else that others on Active Rain have not seen before, you are...
Since January of this year, escrow officers and loan officers have struggled mightily with the newest version of the federally mandated HUD-1 form. As a Certified Loan Signing Agent/Notary Public I've had the distinct displeasure of presenting this document to several hundred borrowers. The fed...
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate ...
Now, after having seen our world through the prism of a downward spiraling economy, and with major businesses having failed or having been reorganized and/or downsized, the challenge to maintain standards and to practice ethical behavior is compounded. While our leaders debate the pros and ...
Yes. That is what I'm doing. I'm SITTING ON A SPRING [and ready to bounce in whatever direction I need to across Southern California]. Not less than four escrow/loan/inspection companies have each requested my services for today. I have one 3PM appointment scheduled but these other folks are ...
WOOHOO!! April for "A Quick Note" turned out to be just what the doctor ordered for our Notary/Signing business. We haven't had time to stop and count the total number of signings yet, but deposits prove that April has been our best month in over three years. What's more is that we did ot...
Having worked with and for a large number of Southern California Escrow and Mortgage Professionals at various companies, the '06/'07 melt-down saw them scattered to the four winds. Recently, and not a moment too soon, my acquaintences have begun to "pop up" at new offices with new teams (looking...