Arriving after dark to conduct a signing isn't always fun... In an area I know well, it is usually not a problem. But sometimes, after finding the correct address, I can look up and down the street to find no empty spaces for what seems like a half a mile....
We've all been grinding to find new business...and then, grinding some more!Maintaining that positive outlook means persevering when nothing good is happening...or so it seems.It means exploring your options when they are few, smiling when you feel like everything but, and finding that ray of hop...
While a Notary Signing Agent may have all that is needed to get you through your signing and be able to provide you with alot of "general" information as to your documents, he or she shouldn't be advising you. Unless of course your NSA is also an attorney or a licensed broker. The fact is, that...
For a year or more, the "doom and gloom" crowd has been running around telling everyone that "the sky is falling". Nobody denies there is an adjustment occuring in most markets and there has been a great deal of pain asociated with it. Still, those in pain should have seen the pain coming for y...
Posters, banners, bootleg signs and blogging... because... ...sometimes, word-of-mouth just isn't enough! Sometimes, you have to go above and beyond to insure you're doing enough. Even then, you are not always sure...I update my training, list my services and at...
I've seen this tactic used for new construction and the sale of Model Homes... Since the practice began to be so popular, I began to wonder if it would work for me...?I finally decided to go out on a limb last week and ordered the signs... Can any of you provide feedback on just how successful yo...
As a Mobile Notary, with over half a million miles driven in the last five years (most of it in circles), I just wanted to say that the predictions of $4/gallon by mid-summer is making me a little cranky! I sincerely hope that th...
What is it about human nature that makes us see the glass as half empty? It seems it is always easier to dwell upon the impending doom than to maintain an upbeat positive attitude. Even though in my own personal life and in my career path, my own overall happiness and wellness have proven to me t...
If you choose to ask a notary to back-date or otherwise "color outside the lines" you may be engaging in a no-no yourself. While many RE professionals spend weeks, even months getting a deal together and servicing their clients so-as to cross every "t" and dot every "i", it never fails to amaze ...
For you sailors in the crowd, you'll recognize this helmsmans cry for when he is turning the craft on a new tack. The cry "Helms alee!!" warns all hands to hang on, as the ship will tilt and rise at a new direction and angle of the wind. I have been taken to task regarding the content of my la...