California and Arizona Home loans will be up to 95% LTV Soon! Good news for California and Arizona home buyers! Starting February 22, 2010, mortgage insurance companies are easing up on their guidelines on conforming home loans! Homebuyers can put 5% down on conforming home loans again! It's abou
Jim Cheney is one of the most knowledgeable Santa Rosa Real Estate agents that I've met through Activerain. I love his postings about the local areas and wanted to share this one in particular because it highlights one of my favorite places to visit in Santa Rosa, Ca. Jim is obviously a history b
Stewart shared this with AR on the 16th and I just caught it. I'd like to pass it on to help get the word out. I've already contributed as much as I can financially, so, now I'm working on the social and spiritual contributions. Thanks in advance for anything that you can do to help our global fa
Rain Silverhawk put together a nice collection of website services the you can use to monitor your online reputation. I wanted to pass this information on to my Sonoma County Wine Country Real estate agents and to my Santa Rosa, Ca team. I would also add to this list. Otherwise, it's
Internet Lead Conversion: It's Just Like Dancing! No, I'm not going to be doing a dance for you today! Although, if you give me a good song, I'll make up a great dance move just for you! I view my internet leads like dancers who just stepped on my dance floor. Some of them are experienced and som
Last night my wife and I practically ran into this little guy as he finished his making his web in front of our house. He's a beautiful specimen that's about 5 inches long and quite healthy. One step to the right and my head would have been covered by our friend's web. Since I've been practicing
Screamin' Mimi's - Sebastopol CA - Ice Cream - Restaurant - Sonoma County Wine Country Lifestyle What is it about ice cream that just works no matter what the weather is like? The other day, my wife an i were driving around town, in the rain, taking care of our chores when we both looked at each
FHA Home Loans - Santa Rosa, CA - New Short Sale Rules 2010 I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it's well worth noting. FHA has loosened up the guidelines for home owners who had to go through a short sale of their owner occupied home. This new change will allow home owners who went thro
This week I found out someone in my world committed suicide over the holiday. I wasn't close to this person, but I was truly saddened by their actions. This person left behind loved ones who will have to deal with many unanswered questions and years of mixed feelings from sadness to anger. I've b
Kirsten posted an important appeal that I wanted to pass on to the group. If there's anything that you can do to donate, please do so no matter how much. Every penny counts. Thanks Kristen! I've never made an appeal like this but I'm asking every member of the Active Rain community to ACT NOW to