Signs are pointing to a rise in homebuying in Orange County and an end to the slump we've experienced in 12 of the past 13 months. Two recent articles in the Orange County Register present some encouraging statistics as well as some points to keep in mind for both buyers and sellers. Here are som...
I know, I know. In today's real estate market the terms "quick" and "home sale" seem to be mutually exclusive, but there are some simple things you can do to help speed up the sale process. Always keep the mindset that your home is going to be competing with new construction. Even if there's ...
Some people are preparing for their summer vacation getaway before the summer is over. Some people are already preparing for going away to visit family or friends during Thanksgiving and Christmas, Hannukah, etc. Before you go away for any vacation, make sure you've made proper preparations for ...
There are 3 things that are certain in this life: death, taxes and the fact that there are more and more "surprises" as you get closer to the closing table in buying a house. A good friend of mine has a relative who just sold their house...and the closing was delayed because the buyers' were he...
As of August 1st, HUD is putting into action a revamped version of last year's Home Affordable Unemployment Program. In that program, unemployed homeowners could get a three-month forbearance on their mortgage payments while they looked for a job. Unfortunately, the program was not a resounding s...
In my recent newsletter, I wrote about the proposed shoring up of FMAC and FNMA (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) by politicians in Washington. These are basicaly the two agencies that insure home loans. This “shoring up” process will start this coming September 30thwith a measure that will result in ...
There are many misconceptions about what truly adds value to your home and can make it sell for a higher price. Some sellers have found out the hard way that modifications they perceived as adding value actually do the opposite, especially in today's market. In past years, the big culprit has bee...
Don’t know about you but this last few months has been a challenge for my buyers when it comes to the loan process. They understand the need to get a pre-approval letter and most are very pro-active about getting quotes and comparisons, etc. The pre-approval helps us get the offer accepted an...
While I truly wish no one ever had to ask this question, some of you are wrestling with it right now. Homes are staying on the market longer than in years past and many sellers are having to come down on their price more than once to get the deal done. Other sellers are standing pat on their pri...
As crazy as it may sound, deposits are causing some problems with loan approval in this time of more stringent guidelines for mortgage loans. Whether it's here in the Beach Areas or anywhere else, the story's the same... Having the funds in your bank account isn't enough anymore. In fact, ha...