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Andrea Curtis United Country Premier Properties Certified Military Relocation Professional

smartphone(254) 466-7083
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***ALERT*** I know this has been on my site for a while but it is necessary. The road construction is still going on and yes there is STILL a speed trap in front of my office! ALSO BE AWARE: Construction on 195 South and U.S 190 going into Copperas Cove! AND THE BIG OLD SPEED TRAP NEXT TO MY OFFICE! If you are on an access road near Jasper and U.S Highway 190 the speed limit is 35! I suggest you go 30! 135 Citations in 4 Hours! I found this on KDH news online. You will find the link to the story at the end of the page: Extended construction along U.S. Highway 190 has led to increased traffic enforcement by the Killeen Police Department in select areas. On Tuesday, the department issued 121 speeding tickets in a four-hour span during a detail of several patrol officers to an area on U.S. 190 undergoing extensive construction. Officers targeted the area where the Rosewood Drive bridge is being constructed and the Texas Department of Transportation is widening U.S. 190. “We are having to deal with all this construction, and that is an area where people tend to speed a lot anyway,” Killeen police spokeswoman Carroll Smith said. “Most of the time when we get a great amount of complaints, we’ll try to come in and do something.” The department issued a total of 135 citations and made one arrest for an unrelated warrant during the special traffic detail. Smith said this type of enforcement will periodically continue while U.S. 190 is under construction. “This is going to be going on for a long time,” Smith said. “Because speeding can get somebody hurt or seriously killed, at no point do we consider this to be a speed trap.” Fines will sting lead-footed drivers worse than usual if construction crews are present on work zones, as they were during Tuesday’s detail. Texas law dictates that fines double in work zones while crews are present. Smith said drivers also need to be educated about a new state law regarding TxDOT vehicles. Beginning Sept. 1, all TxDOT vehicles parked in the shoulder of roads are now treated in the same way as law enforcement vehicles. Drivers on an adjacent lane must either slow to 20 mph under the speed limit or change lanes. Contact Philip Jankowski at or (254) 501-7553. Follow him on Twitter at KDHcrime CHICKEN LITTLE HAS NOW LEFT THE BUILDING! THAT IS ALL...for now...