Pop-Tarts! Get Your Pop-Tarts! Did you know that Pop-Tarts typically sell out before a Storm? They are considered one of the most popular items for the pantry during a storm. Go ahead and stock up on the processed, sugary breakfast item before it's too late ;-) You see folks, we have our f...
Mud Baths on the Crystal Coast Oh sure, you could book a day at one of the many spas located here on the Crystal Coast, but according to our new friends, the ditch that runs alongside our property is the perfect place for a nice, relaxing mud bath! The staff of the Hahn Mud Bath All Natural Spa...
Selling Your Home in Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512 If you are thinking about Selling your home in Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina there are a few things you must do to get ready. Hire a REALTOR® that knows the market. That REALTOR® will prepare a Comparable Market Analysis to help guide you wi...
2012 Relay For Life of Carteret County, NC When I was a kid, I thought Janette hung the moon (still do), and all of my cousins thought the same thing. She was the oldest grandchild to my sweet grandmother, Mary Jean Ralph, who lost her life to cancer in February of 1977. In January of 2012, at ...
Go Ahead.... Rip 'em off! Did you know that today, May 9th, is "Tear the Tags off the Mattress Day"? In our busy lives, we often forget such holidays, but it is important to take a moment and celebrate! Surely you have noticed that little tag on your mattress or pillows that states "It is Unlawf...
Pine Knoll Shores Market Report When Comparing closed listings from 2011 (January - April) vs. 2012, number of sales are up 42.9%. The number of Pending Sales has increased 38.9%, year over year comparison. There are still a great number of listings currently available to choose from, but t...
Cherry Point Air Show - 2012 Here on the Crystal Coast of North Carolina, We are blessed to have Cherry Point MCAS next door in Havelock, NC! We are very proud of our Service Men & Women, and appreciate all that they do! Yesterday, my family and I decided to attend the Cherry Point Air Show for ...
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” -William Somerset Maugham Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend, filled with wonderful moments! Life is full of great changes and magnificent opportunities..... and it is Good! Embrace it, Enjoy It, Share it!
WOW…. I never thought I would be standing here accepting this award tonight! I owe so much to the amazing people who made this possible. Of course, I must thank Activerain for the production of the movie. And our director, Kerrie Greenhalgh was absolutely wonderful and patient with the entire ...
Clean Out Your Closet and Give a Child a Chance! I was putting away laundry yesterday, when I opened up my closet to find that I couldn't even see the floor anymore! I had so many pairs of shoes and bags, that they had taken over! I pulled each pair out one by one and placed them in the bedroo...