Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 14 ranging from $199,900 to $2,799,000 ·PENDING SALES: 13 ranging from $215,000 to $3,100,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 6 ranging from $249,000 to
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 16 ranging from $244,900 to $1,900,000 ·PENDING SALES: 29 ranging from $160,000 to $3,850,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 4 ranging from $269,900 to
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 22 ranging from $165,000 to $4,495 ,000 ·PENDING SALES: 33 ranging from $185,000 to $3,195,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 11 ranging from $184,000
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 11 ranging from $275,000 to $1,795,000 ·PENDING SALES: 32 ranging from $185,000 to $6,250,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 6 ranging from $205,000 to
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 29 ranging from $149,900 to $7,999,000 ·PENDING SALES: 32 ranging from $199,900 to $6,150,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 19 ranging from $160,000 t
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 28 ranging from $159,900 to $3,475,000 ·PENDING SALES: 22 ranging from $225,000 to $3,145,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 6 ranging from $114,900 to
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 24 ranging from $174,900 to $5,950,000 ·PENDING SALES: 41 ranging from $144,900 to $8,700,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 16 ranging from $169,900 t
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 19 ranging from $215,000 to $7,195,000 ·PENDING SALES: 23 ranging from $235,000 to $3,195,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 12 ranging from $129,888 t
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 31 ranging from $225,000 to $2,795,000 ·PENDING SALES: 49 ranging from $170,000 to $4,690,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 12 ranging from $219,500 t
Most recent activity (New Listings, Sales, Pendings) in Naples FL west of US 41 from Port Royal to Bonita Beach Road (NA01 thru NA07). ·NEW LISTINGS: 13 ranging from $198,500 to $4,395,000 ·PENDING SALES: 24 ranging from $166,000 to $3,350,000 ·CLOSED SALES: 5 ranging from $199,900 to