James Locklear's (4transitionscallme) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Online Marketing Advertising Consultant
Again, with the entire market leaning one way, you are looking at the horizon and planning accordingly!  With your decades of experience and unceasing appetite for learning I know I shall be learning from you for many many years.  Happily, too. This is but another seed from which a mighty Oak sha...
  Limited Viewing Opportunity By Appointment Only $5,950,000 U.S. Exclusive Neighborhood Viewing! 27 January 2013  4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 4458 Ferncroft Rd, Mercer Island 98040 Your Host, Glover Weiss Waterfront Entrance Landward Entrance Five Exquisite Bedrooms Each with Private Baths A house is...
Good info for professionals to have and hold!  I've actually had a buyers agent specifically ask about and subsequently call the principal of a particular school.  And that closed the deal.  The good schools for the kids around the Microsoft Campus have, for whatever reasons we may speculate on, ...
Mobile Devices and Real Estate - Premier or Passe? How often have you passed a Realtor Sign Post or A-Board and found no flyer or QR-Code or Text-for-more-info?  Many agents still believe customers are just cruising neighborhoods and will call for more info.  What about their mobile devices?   No...
This is an extraordinary home, seems no detail unattended or overlooked.  Spacious beyond the square footage, definitely, due to the outstanding artisanry/construction imparted throughout.  Great house! Mercer Island Waterfront Estate offered by Jobe Lifestyle Group   with great pride   Limited V...
This is how we do it...   at least, this is how informed consumers proceed with their real estate process.  And the commentary is right on task.  Thank you. Real Estate Market and Smart Consumers Marc and Lori needed tires.  Immediately.  Lori embarked on an adventure in research.  She typed the ...
The latest texting translation shared with me recently by an un-named relative helped him adapt to the technology and temperament of his new smart(er than him) phone: OLD PEOPLE TEXTING CODE:                  ATD= At The Doctor's   BFF=  Best Friend Fell     BTW=  Bring The Wheelchair            ...
LAKE VIEW APARTMENTS IN SHORELINE WASHINGTON Lake view apartments in Shoreline, Seattle Washington   Echo Lake Apartments(206) 629-4380 1150 North 192 Street Shoreline, Washington   Lake view living on my budget?  I didn’t think so until I found this then-hidden treasure of new construction and n...

James Locklear

Social Media Training , Virtual Services, Search Engine Optimization Lattitude - SEOL
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