5 Signs that you are Using your Phone TOO MUCH... 1. You have "phonedenitis" (similar to tendonitis, it is where you are holding your phone too much and it manages to somehow get strained...I currently am suffering from this and it is WORSE than a paper cut). I now have to hold my phone in this...
Okay is my view on Supra Lockboxes/e-keys... I HATE using them! Here at 360 Realty, we do not use the Supra lockboxes on any of our homes, and have no plans to in the future. We however do show homes with e-keys and have the equipment to do so. WHY you ask? We feel that you limit...
I am hearing that many Realtors are now picking up part time jobs to supplement the income that is no longer rolling in. So if you have a part time job, WHAT IS IT? Tracey
If you know of anyone slow in this real estate market and looking to work as a licensed assistant...please send them over! Hi Guys! Tracey from 360 Realty here! Here at 360 Realty we are a little different. We march to the beat of our own drum. We sell real estate the way WE want to, at a high co...
This was just emailed to me by Maggie Jeffus our Representative. Check it out... "The Raleigh Report From the Office of Representative Maggie Jeffus July 23, 2008 This past Friday, the House of Representative and the Senate adjourned the 2008 Short Session. The next Long Session will conve...
What I did today... By: Tracey Shrouder Woke up at 7:15am (painful and unusal...ick) Answered the phone & checked emails... Attended my BNI group called the "Rainmakers" from 8:30am-10:15am Returned all the missed calls that I had (6 from the same person)... Drove to a property 2 cities away to s...
Old School versus NEW School Some folks like the old days, and some like the technology of today. I wanted to see which group most people are fond of, and this is my poll...(you can be a mix of them, that is fine!) Old School Realtors drive Mercedes and BMW's. New School Realtors drive Fuel E...
This one is U-G-L-Y!!! Looks Normal, right? BPO's are always interesting, but some are MORE SO! This one falls in that category... All I can say is WOW The vinyl has actually melted off the house! 7 Years of bad luck for somebody :( MOOoooooooold! Sexy!!! BUt................................. ...
Tips and Hints for the New Real Estate Agent: Disclose, Disclose, Disclose!!!!! This is the most important part of our jobs as real estate agents. The more you reveal, the less you are personally liable for. If you do not know the answer to a question, TELL the truth. It is much better...
STOP the 82% Law! JOIN your National REIA! National REIA (Real Estate Investors Association) Last night I attended our local REIA group, which is called the Triad REIA. We meet midway between 5 cities, and join together as Investors & those interested in the Real Estate Market as a whole. It...