Hello everyone out there in Realtor land. Tracey here in Sunny Greensboro, NC in bloggersvile. Last night was a local builder's yearly party for all of the Realtors that have sold one of their properties throughout the year. There was a DJ, lots of nice food, and FREE BOOZE. So, as you can gu...
Hello from Greensboro, North Carolina and our fair 44 degree cloudy day. It just so happens to be a nice rainy day, which is perfect for picking up the signs from all the REO properties we sold this month! I talk to people all the time that want to know how we move properties FAST, and I came up...
03/13/2009 Hi Everyone! I am sure you have all heard about the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!! Well, if is a 6 month contract in Queensland, Australia living on a private island in your own house and making $100,000 for all your "troubles". H...
Hi Everyone! It has been a little busy over the Holidays, but I am back to the blog grind. Today, we found....A SPACE SHIP!!! So of course, I made my sister HOP on it first thing! This is a new listing in Lexington, NC and we went to do the initial BPO and put a sign in the yard. The house...
Hi Everyone! It has been a little busy over the Holidays, but I am back to the blog grind. Today, we found....A SPACE SHIP!!! So of course, I made my sister HOP on it first thing! This is a new listing in Lexington, NC and we went to do the initial BPO and put a sign in the yard. The house...
Hooray for NC!!! A few signs offer proof that North Carolina is in a stronger position than many other states. Our foreclosure rate is less than a third of the national average. Our average home prices have grown slightly, while nationally home prices have fallen 8 percent over the past year or...
Don't Hide from the Economy! Come on out from under that Rock...I can see you! Don't be scared! When you come to the end of your life and you stand at the peak of the tallest mountain, you will then understand that it is not the BEING at the peak that was the best was GETTING there. ...
BPO of the Week... Okay, so this week I had a really "crappy" day literally. I picked up a Sallie Mae property that had vagrants living there for at least 3 weeks with no power. I met the locksmith and the Sheriff and what a wonderful smell we were greeted with. I took photos, but did not want ...
I have been tasked by my asset manager to go to a pre-listed property and do the BPO. Cyprexx had not rekeyed yet, and were supposed to and this house was 45 minutes to an hour away from my office. I REALLY did not want to drive back hence the boost up... Once I was boosted up, I c...
Okay, so I have slacked off on the BPO's of the week...but DO I have a doozy for you this week! I actually felt real live fear this time and had to run for my life! So here is how my day started... I worked my butt off on my 11 REO's that were all closing in a two week period, not to mention ...