Michigan Online Real Estate Continuing Education (con ed)

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Are there any instances when a housing provider can deny a request for a reasonable accommodation without violating the Fair Housing Act? Yes. A housing provider can deny a request for a reasonable accommodation if the request was not made by or on behalf of a person with a disability or if there...
As a real estate professional, you are probably aware that are lots of "secret shoppers" scouting open houses and rental vacancies trying to catch real estate agents in a fair housing violation. Those "secret shoppers" are fair housing testers.  Fair housing testing is used in measuring the pract...
Under the Fair Housing Act, a housing provider cannot refuse housing to someone who is disabled because of their disability. Just as important, the law requires housing providers to accommodate a person’s disability by changing or modifying a rule or policy or practice when doing so is necessary ...
Under the Fair Housing Act, a reasonable modification is a structural change made to the premises whereas a reasonable accommodation is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service. A person with a disability may need either a reasonable accommodation or a reasonable...
A reasonable modification is a physical/structural change made to a resident’s living space or to the common areas of a community, which is necessary to enable a resident with a disability to have full enjoyment of the housing. Reasonable modifications can include structural changes to interiors ...
Under the Fair Hosing Act, a “reasonable accommodation” is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces. Since rules,...
Every real estate professional should already know that the federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin and disability.  What many people do not realize, though, is that the Act does not protect an indiv...
Here is a little reminder for everyone about their obligations under the Fair Housing act with respect to people with disabilities.  The following are a few examples of illegal housing practices against persons with disabilities under the Fair Housing Act: Refusing to rent or sell or otherwise ma...
The goal of the Fair Housing Act is to ensure “no person shall be subjected to discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or advertising of dwellings, in the provision of brokerage services, or in the availability of resi...
Under the Fair Housing Act, a resident or an applicant for housing makes a reasonable accommodation request whenever she makes clear to the housing provider that she is requesting an exception, change, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service because of her disability. She should exp...

Jason Rose

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